Extra Details:
This is a general outline of my monthly plan/ posting schedule.
Special Post: Variants, Comics, Image Sets, Videos, WIP, etc... (Anything more substantial than a single image work.
Special and Public Posts are made during the weekends.
An end of month Source Files Post will be made for my $5+ Supporters.
If any posts/ works are made after this, but still within the month they'll be added to it.
Work In Progess (WIP) Posts: My rough drafts of an upcoming work/ project.
Usually made on Monday for the public work that'll be releasing that Saturday.
May make a Special works WIP post on Thurs/Fri before the Early Release.
General per month Posts
WIP (Work In Progress) Posts
Once a week on Monday.
Generally of Public Posts. I'd like to also start post previews of my Special Sunday posts as well once I get a backlog up again.
Public Post
Once a week on Fri/ Saturday
Special Posts
Heavier works like comics/ animations, every other Sunday.
Released a week early for Supporters.
Suggestion Box Poll
Poll for the community's posts in the Discord Suggestion Box on the Tues of the 14th.
Takes suggestions from the 14th of prev month - the 13th of the poll's month.
Alternative image posts of my other works usually diff. character/ series.
Released every Wednesday. -
Futa x futa/ futa x male/ futa x female variations.
Want to add Bulge, internal views/ cut outs
2 Suggestion Box Poll works
We have 1 suggestion poll every month so this will allow me to complete all of the 1st place winners so far.
The other place winners will be completed upon funding through stream donation goals.
To Dos
I have many series or images that proceed one another. While comics are obvious some one-offs are actually on my to-do list for follow-ups.
Here is where I'll place/ link those works!
Placeholders for now :p

Ruby cucks Weiss 6
Ruby continues giving it to Weiss and everyone she loves.

Futa Fights
More direct futa vs futa works!
Docking, frotting, fuck-offs, etc!

Weiss Cucks Ruby 4
Ruby awakens in the hospital w/ a neck brace as Jaune sits at her bed-side.
Bussy ruined and marked by Weiss outside her view.

Mudrock x Seaport-Hime
Insertion against Wall/ window. 2nd image is cum flood, bukkake, cum through.
Variants: bulge, internal view, impregnation

Neo vs Alpha Ruby & Weiss
Do Ruby and Weiss catch Neo? Can she use her semblence to give them the slip? Find it in this work!

Size Charts
More dick-size charts for the various RWBY characters/ teams I've drawn so far!
These will be another series.
These are some works I'd like to add Variants to.
Here I'll detail what I'd like to add to them.
Placeholders for now :(

Altered Body
Bulge/ Pregnancy

Full body bukkake. Thicc cream toppings. Jizz burials..!

Internal Views
Both cut outs and transparent views!

Alt Sexs
Change from Futa x Female to Futa x Futa, Futa x Male, Male x Futa, Male x Female, etc...

Being a Futa NTR artist I make a lot of niche/ rare tag pairings. Below are more fetishes I want to make more works of. Please look forward to seeing them!

Futa NTR
You already know it! This is my core #1 fetish. When I can make a work with it I will.
Size Theft
Dick-size theft mostly! Though breast and ass theft are also an option. Stripping the size from a loser and taking it for yourself is a miracle only hentai can gift you~!
Hands-free Ejac
It's self explanatory really. I prefer touchless, hands-free, quickshots.
It's wonderful to pair w/ domination. Femdom, futadom, NTR; all doms need a sub.
Cock in cock sex! ;P
This includes ball inflation & impregnation.
Spermical Take-Over
Alternate outcome to ball impregnation. Sperm battle at the end of ball inflation. If the inseminated one loses hard enough their balls will either be converted to produce their invader's seed or culled into impotency.
Foreplay/ Denial
Balljobs, buttjobs, thighjobs, tit-fucks, frottage(dick-2-dick rubs), dick slaps, oh-my!
More external sex is fun. Can also lead into femdom, internal sex denial, or sneaky NTR antics.
Messages & Posts
OnlyFaunus, NTR texting, subs watching recorded sex, etc...
More than human...
Not just furry/ scaly, but also corruptions and angels and demons and...
More Sexies
I often do Futa x Female, I'd like to start adding Futa x male/ futa.
Adding more femboys, jacked hunks, fit women, thicc girls, & short stacks to my normal works.

Site Features
1 / Forum
I'd like a place for everyone to freely talk in long form about topics in a way that only a forum can support.
It'd also be a nice place to drop ideas on my various series as a whole.
2 / Timeline/ Series Playlists
My canon events and chronological order of works can be a bit slap-dash. So being able to properly set up a playlist with them in general order would be quite useful for me & everyone.
3 / Web App: Calendar/ Schedule
I'd like to make a calendar app that'll be easy to update as I post rather than this manual image rendering I've been doing.
4 / Web App: Auto-Coupons
Currently I have to make the coupons here manually. What I'd like to do is automate the monthly coupon generation and messaging.
This way it won't take away from the time I have to work on my art, posts, & streams.
5 / Personal App: Multi-Poster/ Scheduler
I need to make or commission an app to post on this site, Pixiv, NewGrounds, Twitter, Patreon, FANBOX, & SubStar all at once.
You'd be surprised how much time setting up so many simultaneous posts can take.
Especially for those that repeat or are extremely similar in content as there's no "duplicate"/ "make template"/ "repeat every (month on, weekday after, year, etc...)" functions on the sites.
6 / Multi- Variant_Post pages/ apps
I want it to easy to view and navigate between my works, their variants, remakes, and sequels.
To that end, just linking them all isn't enough. I'd like to make a simple unity/ flash program where everyone can hop through the variants of a given work at will.
The part that'll take the longest would probably be figuring out how to confirm people's supporter tiers.
6 / Suggestion_Box Poll_Winners' List
Every month I have a poll on everything from the Discord's suggestion box for which works I'll make.
A list of those winners and my planned work order with checkboxes/ links for those that have been completed.
The losing posts become stream donation goals. I'll also be listing those out here.